Ivermectin: Summarizing "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Chapter 1, Section 3)

3 years ago

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok @fatesabitch91

In 2015 two Merck scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for developing Ivermectin (IVM) - the first award to an infectious disease medication in 60 years. IVM had “unprecedented firepower” against a wide range of human parasites.

Millions of people have taken billions of Ivermectin doses with minimal side-effects. Oh, not as a horse drug either, this was as a human drug, which of course can have applications to animals since they share some of our biology.

PICTURE: A 2021 study showed that “a key biological mechanism of IVM - the competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein - was not specific to any coronavirus variant and therefore, unlike vaccines, ivermectin would probably be effective against all future variants”.


There was research and case-studies from around the world that proved that IVM was a SAFE and EFFECTIVE early treatment for COVID. This is beyond the fact that it was ALREADY an approved medicine. So what happened next, is pre-meditated murder.

Governments ignored data and research on this drug, Universities refused to support studies about this drug because it would cost them their grant money from Lord Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation created “studies” that of course found a drug competing against their vaccines to be “ineffective”. The WHO, which used research and data from people with LARGE financial conflicts, suppressed information and recommendations of early-treatment with IVM.

PICTURE: Doctors who have studied research other than from Fauci and Gates-funded enterprises believe that IF we would have had early treatment with IVM, we could have avoided 75-80% of COVID deaths and saved our country over a trillion dollars.

SUMMARY: I am beginning to think if the CDC says something is “off limits” and “dangerous” that it is something that I DEFINITELY want to investigate for my health. Way to go in completely eroding trust in our worthless government institutions! THUMBS UP!

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