01/12/22 Wed. @DylanBurnsTV on J6, Proud Boys, Slavery (@DylanBurns1776)

3 years ago

FIRST: @DylanBurnsTV (recent @The Fallen State guest) on J6, Proud Boys, slavery. THEN: Callers on hippies and history. David Clarke: Don't talk to Feds!
0:00:00 Wed, Jan 12, 2022
0:02:03 Hey, guys!
0:05:02 Announcements
0:07:44 INTRO: Dylan Burns
0:11:28 1776, patriotism
0:15:57 Hake on Hippy Dippy
0:17:56 Dylan discriminates
0:19:48 J6, Proud Boys, DC
0:36:36 Slavery debate
0:54:34 Supers: Slavery, Communism
1:19:34 WILLIAM, CA
1:30:03 "Saw You Walking By"
1:32:42 Reading Chat
1:33:07 Super Chats
1:47:28 David Clarke on feds
1:54:52 COLBY: 10 Min for Men, Christ
1:59:00 Closing / Announcements
2:00:13 "Caverns" - Bad Snacks

The Hake Report, Wednesday, January 12, 2022 AD: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Catch Hake on @Ask Fanatiq's Twitch channel MrFanatiq tonight 5pm PT; Hake at Modern-Day Debate in Dallas Sun, Jan 16! // GUEST: Dylan Burns (@DylanBurnsTV / DylanBurns1776), host of Hippy Dippy Roundtable, talks about his Jan 6 experience, his Proud Boys run-ins, and he condemns slavery! // THEN: Interesting calls! William and Azzmador share history lessons. (See below!) // Old story on Sheriff David Clarke's advice against talking to Feds! //

MUSIC: Human Television - "Saw You Walking By" - 2004 EP "Orange," from Soft Abuse // Bad Snacks - "Caverns" - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

William from California addresses several issues, from hippies to rent control.
Azzmador from Texas corrects Dylan's history on the South, secession, Civil War, and slavery.
Colby from Nebraska interviewed David Clarke on 10 Minutes for Men and Christ!

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2022/1/12/011222-wed-dylanburnstv-on-j6-proud-boys-slavery-dylanburns1776

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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