Killing Hydroxychloroquine: Summarizing "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

3 years ago

FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 3 = Chapter 1, Section 2: Killing Hydroxychloroquine (THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok @fatesabitch91

The ONLY WAY to create an “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) for a drug is if there is NOT an existing FDA-Approved drug that proves effective against the malady. So, Fauci and his bitch - the FDA - ensured that a known, well-researched, no-longer-patented drug (which means it is cheaper) was killed and buried so that the $48 billion COVID vaccine project led by Fauci and Gates could ensure their dominion over American’s lives.

PICTURE Just as a side note, this means that federal law was broken - in this instance and many others.

Here are some interesting and important facts about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

PICTURE: HCQ is a 65-year-old formula that regulators around the globe long approved as both safe and effective against a variety of illnesses.

Before the COVID Pandemic, HCQ was available over the counter in most of the world and has been used BILLIONS of times. BILLIONS.

PICTURE: HCQ was found effective against Coronavirus, even in 2004.

WAIT… CORONAVIRUS existed before 2020? Yes it did, and yes it DOES! There are potentially billions of different viruses that have existed and do exist and will continue to exist after humans are exterminated on Earth!

There was NO DOUBT that HCQ worked against COVID - this is all documented. So what happened next is basically pre-meditated murder.

PICTURE: BEFORE the WHO even declared a pandemic, governments started PULLING HCQ FROM THE SHELVES.

PICTURE: Big tech scrubbed information on HCQ’s effectiveness.

63 million doses of HCQ were “donated” to BARDA - these pills were then restricted from being able to be dispensed to Americans.

63 million doses of a known, proven, and safe therapeutic were given to our United States government, and kept away from people who needed them. This is pre-meditated murder.

This drug was used freely for 65 years, and right as the “pandemic” started in, all across the world, but especially in the U.S., it was made unavailable and doctors were demonized and threatened for using it.

Of course the Fauci, Pharma, Gates cabal paid to create “research” that attempted to discredit HCQ. But you cannot trust “science” from the pharmaceutical companies who are hell-bent on injecting you with their very expensive chemicals. That’s NOT SCIENCE!

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