03/10/13 Are You a Good Team Player? (Archive)

3 years ago

Are you a good team player? Do you seek God in all that you do? Think for yourself, have no deceit, and be a person of prayer.
0:00:00 Sun, Mar 10, 2013
0:00:58 Are you a good team player?
0:19:24 Do you seek God in all that you do?
0:26:27 Cease from strife; every fool meddling
0:30:26 Granddaughters story
0:32:12 Knowing yourself
0:44:23 Employees story, spiritual battle
0:51:54 Free thinker? Think for yourself?
0:55:03 I don't see myself as a good person
0:57:27 Strong character, no deceit; prayer
1:00:17 Support BOND

BOND Archive Sunday Service, March 10, 2013: Jesse asks the people: Are you a good team player? Another question: Do you seek God in all that you do? He also asks: Do you believe in God? Many think they are good, but resent others they judge. Some seek God in some things only, but not all. Jesse shares real life examples about employees. It's a spiritual battle. Are you a free thinker? Do you think for yourself? Do you see yourself as a good person? Life is about giving. Have strong character with no deceit. Be a person of prayer.

Throwback Sunday Services premiere on BOND YouTube channel Wednesdays at 4 PM US Pacific Time (7 PM ET).

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/03-10-13-are-you-a-good-team-player-archive

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

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