Video 2 - Arbitrary Decrees Science-Free Medicine (THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

2 years ago

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok @fatesabitch91

We continue to live under a psychological operation orchestrated by nefarious forces, if you take your eyes off of the screens that project things at you and actually READ, you will see that what you have been told is full of lies and misinformation.

Much of what is available online has been scrubbed or changed, a danger of the reliance on Big Data, however, if you can stomach picking up this ancient device called a “book” you will find all of the EVIDENCE right there.

There is NO STUDY suggesting masks have convincing efficacy against COVID-19 that would justify the harms associated with masks. PERIOD. I understand that you might like that think covering your face, like a binky to shield you from dealing with the life you are charged to lead, just know it actually isn’t protecting you, OH, OR protecting ME!

Do you know how dangerous it is to treat our fellow citizens like they are a harborer of pathogenic material? I mean, we ARE FULL OF BACTERIA AND PARASITES - e’ry god damn day - NOTHING CHANGES THIS. What changes is your IMMUNE RESPONSE, not the fact that bacteria and parasites are swarming around us and in us every day of our life!

To justify to lockdowns, Dr. Fauci used modeling that was paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) - that overestimated deaths by 525%. This caused hysteria - and it was wrong - and it was corrupt. The people bringing you the vaccine solutions are the same ones telling you how bad the problem is. Huge conflicts of interest with that…..

MEDICARE PAID HOSPITALS $39,000 per ventilator… versus a meager $13,000 for a regular respiratory infections… hmmmm I wonder what the hospital would choose to categorize sickness as…. EVERYONE HAS THE COVID - Are you coughing? OH COVID FOR SURE! $39,000 please!

Right at the outset, there was ZERO focus on fortifying the immune system - there were MANY natural ways to help defend your body from this virus, and ALL viruses - like VITAMIN D. But instead there was an outright attack on natural immunity. How did humans exist before Big Pharma and vaccines?!?!

There was ZERO effort to use known therapeutics and any dissenting voice from the Big Pharma motive was censored or silenced. Nothing suspicious here, right? But the SCIENCE that they claim to be their GOD speaks against the tyranny that has taken place.

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