Fixing the Thermacell Backpacker (spark but no gas)

3 years ago

so if you have spark but no gas(and your tank is good!) this may work for you. I must of had some dust or dirt on my butane tank and it got in the backpacker and plugged it up.

you don't have to tear it down as far as I did. just the 4 screws in the black section. remove the top plastic and aluminum heat sync. CAREFULLY bend the sparker wire upward and remove the oval aluminum section and the aluminum section under it. you may not have to bend the spark wire straight up to slide the lower section out. then remove the brass screen/defuser and blast air threw the top exit port with the switch in the ON position.

you can use a compressor, compressed air for keyboards or a can of butane for refilling lighters like I did in the upright position so the liquid didn't blow threw everywhere.

try it a few times from each end then attach to your butane tank and turn it on and listen to see if the gas is coming threw. hopefully it is and you can put er all back together and have it ready for you next adventure.

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