Murder By Injection (COVID Vaccines) PT. 1: The Illuminati's Depopulation Reduction Program Exposed

2 years ago

COVID-19 vaccines are being used for population reduction, as long planned! Learn how the aristocratic elites, the ILLUMINATI (the Illuminated Ones, also known in the Occult as "Moriah Conquering Wind"), led by the Jewish Satanic House of Rothschild, is now carrying out a global population reduction agenda through the COVID-19 vaccines! Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Biden, etc. they are all in on it! Learn what the fate of the human race will soon be. This is all designed, scripted and staged to lead humanity into their Satanic "New World Order." If humanity does not wake up and resist their mass vaccination programs soon, humanity is doomed! However, God is the answer and God is JESUS! Read God's Word and learn the truth about this Satanic Conspiracy that is now in full effect! Your time is short! Give your life to Jesus today and secure your eternity! You have been warned! God be with you all!

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