151 Glimpse of the Kingdom (Luke 9:27-36) 1 of 2

3 years ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: The so-called "religion of peace" continues it's contemporary slaughter of innocents as documented daily at the web site: https://thereligionofpeace.com/

ANNOUNCEMENT: The total of our December collection for Bible For South America concluded with a grand total of 320 Bibles! To support this work go to: https://biblesforsouthamerica.com/

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We showed our appreciation to Johnny and Jenny Albaugh with memorable gifts for their consistent, faithful work to keep the cameras filming so that we can carry on our radio and internet ministries.

In our study, we see Jesus predict and fulfill His prophecy to display the glory of His Kingdom to some of the apostles before they were to die. Skeptics falsely claim He referred to His return (the 2nd Coming before He had finished His FIRST) and that this was a failed prophecy. We debunk that nonsense as we study the Transfiguration.


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