Catching a beast from the depths‼️

3 years ago

I go fishing for giant tarpon from the beach during the annual mullet run with a fan. We were using the drone to deploy live mullet into the ocean and then strategically place the fish near a large predator. In the first several hours, Trevor had several tarpon and jacks eat his mullet off the drone. We lost every fish we hooked. The mullet schools had disappeared, the winds were increasing, and we were about to give up. While walking back to the car, I noticed another large school of mullet. I yelled, "This is it"! I deployed the drone and within a few minutes, I was hooked up to a giant tarpon! This giant fish fought very hard, making several hard runs and jumping almost entirely out of the water. After a 30-minute fight, I grabbed the fish and brought it to the beach. This tarpon was definitely over 100lbs; it was a giant!

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