And God said: The Beauty That Is Around Us

3 years ago

This video has no narration. After all, who can add narration to what God says. Here is creation praising its Creator the best way it knows: By showing its beauty. The color in the flowers, the green grass, the lakes, mountains, trees, all pay homage to the One who created them. Though we marvel at the beauty and majesty of what is shown in the video we are giving honor to whom honor is due: The Creator of the universe. We praise the God who spoke and it was so. Who created beauty from nothing. He is worthy.

There is beauty all around us if we chose to look for it. It seems that nowadays, however, our view is blocked by all the ugliness that is in the world. But, the beauty is there because God put it there. We just need to look for it. Sometimes it takes effort to see it. Sometimes we need to get away from our everyday routine to see it. But it's there. Just look for it.

iPhone 10
A 15 year old Olympus VG-140 Camera
Bcway Phone All-in-One Travel Tripod with Remote
Trekking Poles, Insulated Bottles, and Backpack are Ozark Trail
Hiking hat is a Tilley

Angeline the Baker by Nat Keefe with the Bow Ties
Cliffsides by Dan Lebowitz

We travel in a 2019 Toyota RAV4 XLE front-wheel drive with over 99,000 miles. We are still praying for a small Scamp or an Aliner to tow behind it.

Recorded in various locations June and July, 2021.

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