My thoughts on DHS and etc

3 years ago

My views what I think, and why DHS or other federal agencies don't scare me. Lists don't scare me either, I trust my siblings who are in gangs and in cartels more then I do the government. Always think critically, speak for your self, always question authority, don't trust people who dictate to you how to live your life. Fuck both political parties, don't listen to the news unless you can find it for yourself and confirm it.

Fuck the bidens administrations decree on life, live your own life. Fuck wearing a mask, fuck the mandates, do what you feel that works for you, and don't force your views on others either.

Biden administration made inflation, and all of these problems we have happen, by leftoid fuckers who have leaning towards authoritarianism who use him as a stooge puppet on camera, alike that hoe Kamala Harris who sucked dick into power, after she ruined life's in California.

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