Odds, Ends, and Oddities: A Story From Our Western Travels

2 years ago

This video was a fun one to produce.

We saw a lot on our western tour. But sometimes we don't always open our eyes to everything that goes on around us. We look for the familiar, or the beautiful, or the expected. We chose, many times, to overlook the oddities we encounter everyday. Sometimes those things make us uncomfortable. Sometimes they surprise us or we end up just scratching out head. Many times they make us laugh. That's what I wanted this video to do: Make us laugh, chuckle, maybe chortle, or just smile.

We live in a world that, at times, seems to have forgotten how to laugh at itself. God gave us the wonderful gift of humor (just look in the mirror when you wake-up in the morning). But between COVID, elections, riots, etc., we've lost our sense of humor. Wonderful old TV shows like "All in the Family," "The Jefferson's," even "The Andy Griffith Show" would not be accepted in today's world. They would be "cancelled" by a "woke" society. But if we would just slow down, listen instead of yell, pause instead of leaping to conclusions, and enjoy what is around us, the world would be a much better place.

So look for the humor around you. It's probably right in front of you. Take the time to look, and enjoy, what God has done.

iPhone 10
A 15 year old Olympus VG-140 Camera
Bcway Phone All-in-One Travel Tripod with Remote

Ready for Freddy by TrackTribe

We travel in a 2019 Toyota RAV4 XLE front-wheel drive with over 97,000 miles. We are still praying for a small Scamp/Casita or an Aliner to tow behind it.

Recorded in various locations June and July 2021.

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