Why the World is Running Out of Computers

3 years ago

As the world shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many factories although in China, closed with it, making the supplies needed for chip manufacturing unavailable for months. Increased demand for consumer electronics caused shifts that rippled up the supply chain.
When people are bored while staying at home during the covid-19 pandemic lock downs, they start buying different gadgets and appliances. This already put pressure on the market and as well as the manufacturing companies. If people are buying gadgets, isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t it boost the economy, aren’t suppliers and manufacturers supposed to be happy for the fact that there are a huge demands for their supplies - mmm actually No. Taiwan is the country that produces the most number of chips globally, thanks to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which controls 53% of the global chip market. Let there be no doubt that the fusion of hardware and software is accelerating in America, but when it comes to producing chips of any kind, Asian countries dominate the chip market, which includes the supply chain as well. As a matter of fact, many American companies rely on Asian countries for Chips to meet their manufacturing needs. In a nutshell, it is a complicated valuation process for computer chips, and it is challenging to decipher every aspect of it. It deals with a global problem because of the lack of competition and maximum supply chains.Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) holds 53% of the Global Semiconductor Foundry market(Q2 2021). It manufactures all kinds of chips, from simple to complicated to technology bound. It is currently the company which the world is relying on for chips.

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