3 years ago

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Roberts’s Grip Slips as Supreme Court Conservatives Curb Voting Rights

From Bloomberg News
Chief Justice John Roberts was once in the vanguard as the U.S. Supreme Court rolled back the Voting Rights Act. But as his more conservative colleagues showed Monday in restoring a Republican-drawn Alabama congressional map, Roberts is no longer in control.

Roberts joined the three liberal justices in dissent as the court blocked a lower court ruling that said the landmark 1965 law required Alabama to have a second heavily Black district.

“The chief justice’s opinions signal that while he doesn’t necessarily disagree with the direction in which his conservative colleagues are going, he does not agree with how they’re getting there,” said David Strauss, a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago law school. “They are moving too quickly, without paying enough attention to the proper role of the Supreme Court, and, in the Alabama voting rights case, without the respect due to very conscientious lower court judges.”
The Alabama dispute is the first Supreme Court test for the new districts being drawn around the country to govern the next decade’s elections. The case could affect Texas, where President Joe Biden’s administration is challenging the state’s voting maps.

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