Help us take this Ottawa police off the streets and into courts where they belong

3 years ago

Help us take this Ottawa police off the streets and into courts where they belong, share and follow us here on telegram.
On twitter we Truckers for Freedom were gaining 1000 new followers almost every hour, on the last day we gained 17000 new followers, and the account was only 4 days old with a total of 50000 followers already. In a month we would have reached 500000 very active supporters on twitter so they had to ban us, so they did, we got suspended and new accounts are blocked. They just had to. 500000 people all motivated, all in unity as we were are a force no one can deny. But not to worry with your help we will reach that goal here on telegram. Tell everyone on twitter that we are here and to follow us:
On telegram yesterday we gained 4400 new followers, 4 times less than on twitter so we can work harder to achieve the goal
We also have a gettr account: to follow

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