Brave European Professors efforts to try and save the kids from the vaccines in Luxembourg

3 years ago

Petition against Covid vaccination in children: Georgiu, Perronne, Yim, Ochs testify at the Luxembourg parliament (Full Version) -

.. the fight over these vaccine AEs is being fought in Europe

David Georgiu gathered 5,000 signatures to petition the Luxembourg parliament on the subject of vaccinating children 5-11 years old

.. a hearing was granted on 12 January 2022

.. David was joined by Anne-Marie Yim, Christian Perronne, and Dr Benoit Ochs to debate the topic in the presence of the Health Minister and deputies

.. conspicuously, the Luxembourg government website omits any reference to this nearly 1&1/2 hour hearing

David Georgiu opened with testimony addressing VAERS, the UK YellowCard, Eudravigilance adverse events reporting number, in respect of these vaccines

‘The Injections Are Not Vaccines’ said Dr. Christian Perronne at the hearing ..

"There are children dying from the vaccine, and now we know that those that die from the vaccine are more numerous than those who die from COVID"

"Vaccines have caused 36,000 deaths in Europe, 25,000 in the USA, including hundreds of athletes"
(Thanks' to Julian Gillespie for sharing)

David Georgiu gathered 5,000 signatures to petition the Luxembourg parliament on the subject of vaccinated children with COVID-19 vaccines.

On January 12 2022, he was joined by Anne-Marie Yim, Christian Perronne, David Georgiu, and Dr Benoit Ochs to debate the topic in the presence of the Health Minister and deputies.


Professor Christian Perronne is regarded as a world authority on vaccines, having previously advised the WHO

Dr Anne-Marie Yim, Organic Chemistry

Dr Ochs Benoît, GP .. has treated 100s of Covid-19 patients .. currently appealing a suspension of his licence after having been persecuted by a similar AHPRA body in Luxembourg .. he has become quite a hero for the people

Translated from French to English by the washup.

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