Glenn Beck Wednesday Special: Build Back Broke: How Biden’s Great Reset Will Rule You!

3 years ago

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Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress are back to work selling the "Build Back Better" agenda — which is really the U.S. policy to fast-track the fascist ideas behind something much bigger: the Great Reset. Build Back Better is the public American face of something that’s already happening internationally behind closed doors. Glenn exposes the government's collusion with big corporations, banks, and financial institutions. You didn’t vote for it, but it’s happening regardless, and Glenn brings the documents that reveal how the system is being built to directly impact YOUR PERSONAL finances. Glenn talks to Stephen Soukup, author of “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital,” who has spent years investigating why U.S. companies suddenly went woke. The elites in Davos spotted a trend, and they’ve been infiltrating ever since. All they need is one more serious crisis to bring it all home.

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