Mother and Baby Soft White Noise - Fall Asleep Fast Calming White Noise 12 Hours

3 years ago

Relax deeper, and get to sleep quickly and easily with the Zen mother & Baby soft white noise recording. Helps with many sound pollution problems and audio-stimulus problems such as: sleep, concentration, tinnitus, headaches, and so much more! This recording assists to mask out other background noise and stops distractions. It will promote a night of healthy sleep for both mother and baby. This Zen white noise recording uses 12 hours of DARK SCREEN video to achieve a deep, restful state. It can also be used to assist children to overcome distractions associated with ADD or ADHD, to calm nervous children, and naturally soothe headaches or migraines.

12 horas de sonido blanco para dormir. Eso mismo, 12 horas de sonido blanco para bebés, como si fuera el sonido de vientre materno". Relájese profundamente y duerma más rápido y fácil con 12 horas de ruido blanco suave para la madre y el bebé. Ayuda a resolver problemas de contaminación acústica y problemas de estímulo de audio, tales como: sueño, concentración, zumbido, dolores de cabeza y mucho más! Esta grabación ayuda a enmascarar otros ruidos de fondo. Esto promoverá un sueño sano para la madre y para el bebé. Esta grabación de ruido blanco zen utiliza 12 horas de vídeo CON PANTALLA OSCURA para alcanzar un estado de sueño profundo y reposante. También se puede utilizar para calmar a los niños nerviosos y para aliviar los dolores de cabeza o las migrañas. La pantalla negra ayuda a relajar y dormir.

ORIGINAL SOUND: assett1, via Freesound

THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEPING: Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep. For example, surveys conducted by the NSF (1999-2004) reveal that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a few nights a week or more. Most of those with these problems go undiagnosed and untreated. In addition, more than 40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities at least a few days each month - with 20 percent reporting problem sleepiness a few days a week or more. Furthermore, 69 percent of children experience one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during a week.

RELAX BABY CHANNEL offers relaxing sounds, sounds of nature, music, lullabies, for babies, kids, and grown-ups, always with DARK SCREEN VIDEOS. Darkness is essential to sleep. The absence of light sends a critical signal to the body that it is time to rest. Light exposure at the wrong times alters the body's internal "sleep clock"— the biological mechanism that regulates sleep-wake cycles — in ways that interfere with both the quantity and quality of sleep. Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain's pineal glad, is often known as the "sleep hormone" or the "darkness hormone." Melatonin influences sleep by sending a signal to the brain that it is time for rest.

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