A Giant anteater's tongue can reach up to 2 feet in length!

3 years ago

These unique animals have no teeth but their long tongue has sticky saliva and backwards barbs that help them to feast on approximately 30,000 ants a day! After using their strong sense of smell to find an ant hill, they use their powerful claws to break it open. They then spend around one minute at the colony, darting their tongue in about 150 times within that 60 seconds.

Alt text: Two anteaters enjoy the sun. While the one further from the camera sleeps soundly, the one closer pushes themself up on their front legs to sit upright and face the sun. It illuminates their unique fur and being. With white legs, a black strip around their chest and middle, a wiry and bushy tail, and a long gray snout, they point it upwards to the sky. After a sniff with their black nose, they stick their tongue out of their mouth. At first you get just a quick view of the thin, spaghetti like tip, but then this cool animal proceeds to stick it all the way out. Pinkish purple, it falls down towards the floor, almost rebaching it as most of the 2 feet tongue is out. They do this multiple times before relaxing, closing their eyes, and facing the sun once again.

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