2022-02-10 The Right Overnight News for today.

2 years ago

February 10, 2022, here are the top stories for American conservatives this morning.

Zerohedge: The expert who gave “Omicron-Mild” assessment was pressured to recant.
Zerohedge-via-Germany's-WELT, and translated here. "I was told not to state publicly that it was a mild illness."

Gateway Pundit: Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect
Two stories today on the Dominion Voting machines. This one is weird.
TGP: This story is about Raffenberger being disingenuous (ie, LYING by omission).
In a ten-page letter (worth downloading) Garland Favorito explains all the details of these lies, and it really is worth reading especially about the Dominion assessment (hint: experts here prove they can be hacked).
ZeroHedge: Ford and GM tell dealers to stop gouging consumers (related to chip shortage).
Note that Scott Adams had direct communication with Ford CEO and the CEO told him to cancel the order for a Ford car when the dealer uses unethical and against-company-policy tactics.

ZeroHedge: North Carolina Board Asserts Right To Disqualify Madison Cawthorn As An "Insurrectionist"
Cawthorn, in North Carolina went to a protest, it turned into a riot, and though not an "insurrection", they are calling him an "Insurrectionist".

ZeroHedge: Why Newspapers Refuse To Correct Errors
The first draft is usually what the public remembers; and delayed retractions make it much worse.

Special Presentation: I made a special report, or "Idiot's Guide" presentation to the Nord Stream 2, natural gas pipeline, based on my experience in European Natural Gas trading. Don't worry, it won't be boring.
Please go to the blog homepage, https://therightovernightnews.wordpress.com/ to find the link to the video and written text.

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