Are Bananas Healthy? | Are Banana Good For Weight Loss? Keto Health 101

3 years ago

Are Bananas Healthy? | Are Banana Good For Weight Loss? Keto Health 101
Health Benefits Of Banana. What are the benefits of eating a banana? What are the banana side effects?
Are Banana Good For Weight Loss | Banana Nutrition
People who want to enhance their health are often advised to eat more fruits and vegetables.
However, some people worry that high-sugar fruits like bananas are often obese.
This video explores whether bananas will cause you to gain or reduce.

Let's have a glance at the Nutrition Facts of Bananas:

Bananas are rich in many nutrients and supply many health benefits.
It contains tons of fibre, carbohydrates and a few essential vitamins and minerals.

A medium banana contains:

Potassium 12% of Your daily intake, vitamin B6 20% of Daily intake, Vitamin C: 17% of your Daily intake, Magnesium: 8%, Copper: 5%, Manganese: 15%, and Fiber: 3.1 grams.
This comes with around 105 calories, 90% of which are carbohydrates. Most of the carbohydrates in ripe bananas are sugars - sucrose, glucose and fructose.

On the opposite hand, bananas are low in both fat and protein.

Bananas also contain a variety of beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants
Bananas Are High in Fiber, But Low in Calories
Bananas contain tons of fibre.

One medium banana provides around 12% of your recommended daily intake, with just 105 calories.

Fibre is vital for maintaining regular bowel habits and plays an important role in digestive health.

Eating high amounts of fibre has even been linked to a reduced risk of heart condition, diverticular disease and a few cancers.
Adequate fibre intake is additionally linked to reduced weight.

One study measured the food intake of 252 women for 20 months. It found that for each extra gram of fibre the ladies ate per day, their weight was around 0.55 lbs (0.25 kg) lower.

This effect is assumed to occur because fibre causes you to feel full for extended, which can assist you to eat fewer calories over the future.

However, other studies have found that extra fibre within the diet doesn't affect people's fullness or calorie intake.
Bananas are healthy and nutritious, there's little question that. they're also high in fibre, but low in calories.
Most bananas have a coffee to the medium glycemic index, and will not cause big spikes in blood glucose levels compared to other high-carb foods.
Although there are not any studies that directly examine the consequences of bananas on weight, they are doing have several properties that ought to make them a weight loss friendly food.
If you're trying to reduce, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with eating bananas as a neighbourhood of a balanced, real food-based diet.

And That’s It For This Video.
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