ESPN DISNEY RACISM ALLEGATIONS: Whistleblower comes to Project Veritas with Leaked Evidence

3 years ago

Shocking news today from Corporate America as exposed by project Veritas In a segment entitled "Expose ESPN" in which an internal ESPN employee has come forward as a whistleblower providing overwhelming evidence of a toxic workplace culture in regards to racial harmony and ethical treatment of employees.

The 10 minute expose revealed leaked candid conversations among employees of ESPN/Disney in which both black and white employees throughout many parts of the company talked openly about derogatory treatment from other employees on the basis of their skin color or race.

ESPN has been criticized by some media outlets for its interjection of racial and political agendas within its sports programming, arguing that sports are meant to be a unifying forum for Americans of all backgrounds and political parties, an agreement to partake in fair competition based on their athletic accomplishments alone - check the politics at the door, so to speak.

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