BANNED VIDEO (From 40 yrs ago, shows how long it's been going on)

3 years ago

Mk-Ultra never ended, the desire to control the human mind, to bend it to the will of the oppressor, to dissociate it.... it never ended, it just transformed.
They don’t have to conduct secret underground projects anymore, they found what they were looking for, as the CIA documents clarify. They’re just using these principles on a mass scale.
And we can see this now. It’s evident.
Oxygen deprivation, isolation, trauma, fear, terror, illusion, sensory over-stimulation, cold, and near-death experience.
When all of those above things are perpetrated on any individual, that is trauma-based mind control.
Just take a look around today. What do you see?
I see a bunch of dissociated minds, and multiple personalities. Mask on, mask off - that separation of identity is proof this is working in the masses.

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