TNO - Suburban Long Island NY Street Gang - 1980's to early 1990's

3 years ago

This is a compilation of over 30yr old VHS videos from the late 1980's to early 1990's of a group known as TNO.. The group started from a handful of high school kids staging mock BB wars in a sump which grew to a paramilitary "gang" of over 400 members within 3 years.. The term "gang" really does not apply, as this was a purely unique suburban Long Island crew with no affiliation to actual gangs like prison gangs & racist gangs.. There was no requirement for member of TNO other than heart & loyalty, the group itself was formed for protection of it's members or anyone oppressed by others, usually the "jocks" of the time.. The main influences for the group were the A-Team, Apocalypse Now, Good Morning Vietnam, Commodore 64 8-bit tracks on cassette & Rambo.. The group was very 80's & the video was shit with one of the 1st Quasar camcorders which were super rare & expensive.. The sump squad as it were; emerged from Islip Terrace a town on the south shore of Long Island.. The early sump war period transformed into street operations when there were too many kids to do the sump meets anymore as the cops were called constantly by neighbors.. The group then divided into "Platoons" each lead by a Platoon Leader that reported to the original Generals.. The top hierarchy were royal titles which directed the subordinate leadership to different missions & OP's of the time, usually recruitment & battling other suburban crews.. TNO was the 2nd largest street gang on LI for quite some time, SIB "Strong Island Boys" had a few more members but we had good relations with them, they were mostly from Deer Park.. The group brought too much attention through the aggressive recruitment & of course local law enforcement were not happy with the mayhem brought by the group.. The group formed around 1987 & fractured in around 1993 as the leader dropped deep into psychedelics & everything broke off basically.. The emblem of the group is similar to the symbol used in Pink Floyd the Wall with swords used instead of the hammers... Anyway this is a very old compilation that gives the viewer an insight into suburban youth of the late 1980's & very early 1990's...

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