
2 years ago

An introduction to myself and where I speak about my Spiritual Awakening/Kundalini Awakening experiences in 2008. Over the years I've been slowly documenting my experiences and hope to house/post them, here. Along the Way you'll find that I have a somewhat Irreverent sense of humor; probably from watching too much Monty Python's Flying Circus as a young, impressionable teen...

PRINCEOFTHEAIRJR. = 1221 [פרינעתאירר]
Other words in the Hebrew system with the value of 1221
Transliteration Definition Word
AMOTHEROFYOURSOUL. I added and 'A' for a value of 1 to turn this from 1220 to 1221. I'm 1221 because the Dancing Dragon said She was the Mother of my soul. Actually, She said "I am the Mother of your Soul". She's 1220 because She precedes me as the Mother of my Soul, but an 'A' puts us together at 1221! Neat, huh?! :ResidentEx אמעתרעיערסעל
HRRI TzIVN. The mountains of Zion הרריציון
MVSDI ARTz. Fundamenta Terrae מוסדיארץ
PRINCEOFTHEAIRJR. It's me, again. Your friendly, neighborhood Anti-Christ. I'm not evil, it's just that I'm not the Christ, get it? I may be his mirror, or something equally weird in this Matrix-like existence. Please don't kill me, I'm a Son of Light. פרינעתאירר

KENCHRIST. = 357 [כנחריסט]
Other words in the Hebrew system with the value of 357
Transliteration Definition Word
ANTICHRIST. The Man of Iniquity.The Beast of Apocalypse.The Son of Devil.etc,etc,etc... אנטיחריסט
ANVSH. Vi compressa אנוש
KENCHRIST. Hi! It's me, again. I added a part of my name to Christ and got this! It's all going according to plan! :ResidentEx כנחריסט
KGD IKSh. 42-fold Name, Geburah in Yetzirah כגדיכש
NVShA. Iniquity נושא


Sincerely Yours,
Marion Kenneth Herring, Jr. (Kenny)/AKA:1221-Prince of the Air, Jr. The End-Times Comedian.

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