Will Andrew Cuomo's Return to New York Politics Get Al Sharpton's Toothpaste Unlocked?

2 years ago

Won't someone please help the old race baiter? Reverend Al Sharpton is even fed up with the lawlessness of modern day New York City. The straw that broke the FBI Camel's back? Locking up the toothpaste at Duane Reade.

With the vindication of another recent Me Too victim taking place, what does the future hold for the former Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo hold? 11 accusers baseless claims went unprosecuted, he's saying he regrets stepping down, so what's next? Running for Attorney General? Reclaiming his throne? Anything's better than what's currently in Albany, seriously.

The Daily Mail 1: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10495339/Al-Sharpton-calls-NYC-Mayor-Eric-Adams-crack-rampant-shoplifting.html
DM2: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10494301/Andrew-Cuomos-political-comeback-underway-Dems-chance-CARRIE-SHEFFIELD.html

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#AlSharpton #NYC #Cuomo

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