2022 FEB 10 Toolbox meeting Riccardo Bosi, Lt Col (Ret) AU SAS addresses the meeting from Canberra

3 years ago


TOOLBOX MEETING Riccardo Bosi, Lt Col (Ret) AU SAS addresses the meeting

HOUSEKEEPING: Spies in the camp ASIO AFP Good Actors and Bad Actors; Beware 2 guys and Women Whispering inciting People to cause trouble

MISS INFORMATION: The people’s letter of demands isn’t the will of the people there is only one way for the people to all be heard: “Free and Fear Election” is the people speaking

STRATEGIES OF OUR ENEMY: to Steal the Election Again


CURRENT ELECTED POLITICIANS: We Do Not Negotiate the with these politicians they are the worst Lying practitioners of Guile and deceit they are a pack of Scumbags.

We ask them to do nothing these people up on the Capital Hill they are the “THIEVES, TRAITORS, and MURDERERS” who have committed crimes against you the people of Australia

GOVERNOR GENERAL: Ask the GG to Dissolve Government and appoint an EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (AU-EC 2022) for three months and given one task:

AU-EC 2022 PREPARE FOR CLEAN ELECTIONS: EC Tasked with one thing remove all avenues for cheating and stealing elections; remove all electoral changes that have been set in place that favours one party against another

ORIGINAL SOURCE 01: https://t.me/australiaoneparty_official/1834

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