The Stormkeep LIVE #2 - How To Collect a Stormcast Eternals Army (ft. AOS Coach)

3 years ago

In our second livestream we bring on our first Knight-Guestor: Anthony the AOS Coach! Anthony has recently started a Stormcast Eternals army, and we want to pick his brain about collecting a force of Sigmar's finest.

Come hang out in our Stormkeep community discord to show off your army, talk about lists, and participate in community events & contests -

If you like listening to our ramblings please consider supporting us on Patreon so we can grow towards our goals of world domination -

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:02:08 - How we started our Stormcast armies
0:16:05 - Which starter box should you get / Next steps
0:41:40 - What size army is right for you?
0:58:05 - Casual vs competitive Age of Sigmar
1:34:00 - Thematic Stormcast armies
1:49:25 - Typical units in a competitive Stormcast list
2:00:25 - A discussion about models that might be "risky" to buy right now
2:28:38 - A quick guide to how you should equip your units
2:29:00 - A quick guide on how to magnetize your models
2:31:25 - Building, painting, and customizing Stormcast armies
2:54:55 - Closing thoughts, upcoming videos, and a lifesize Ghal Maraz

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