2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 12/18/21





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JOHN CHAPTER 6 PART ONE Feeding the 5000 and Calming the Sea
What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

The Fourth and Fifth ‘Signs’ (the Feeding of the Five Thousand and the Calming of the Sea) in the Gospel account of John, are the only two signs of the Eight Signs he gave that are also written of in the other 3 Gospel accounts and therefore are to be taken together for fullest understanding. (These are recorded in more detail in Matthew 14:10-34, Mark 6:26-52, Luke 9:9-17) The Calming of the Sea being a ‘sister’ sign of the Feeding of the Five Thousand and speaks also emblematically and prophetically to Israel’s ancient, present, and future condition.

Chapter 5 began with John’s documenting of Jesus Christ going up to that unnamed Feast in Jerusalem alone without his yet full-time disciples accompanying. In Chapter 6:1, John writes… “After these things Jesus went over the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberius” (one of several towns/cities so named after one of Rome’s kings, still so named and occupied by Jews today, symbolically a monument to the 4th beast of Daniel 7 yet to ascend in authority over the Land of Israel and when they shall be scattered again). Starting in this verse, John passes over almost a year, including further events that followed after Jesus’ 2nd return to Galilee from Jerusalem after the unnamed Feast mentioned in Chapter 5. It had been almost a year since He sought out those disciples whom He had chosen previously. This being in John Chapter 1, just after His 40 days of Temptation in the Wilderness by satan immediately following being Baptized by John the Baptist. A year ago, the disciples had accompanied Him to Cana, saw the first sign of the Water being turned into Wine, and then accompanied Him on His first Passover Feast into Jerusalem just after Christ’s full-time call to His Ministry. Then passing through Samaria and staying with Him for those two days, they departed then back to Cana in Galilee where the 2nd sign is recorded by John of the healing of the Jewish Ruler’s Son, which is related to us in John 4:43-46. After which shortly it is apparent they had returned to their professions as seen in the other Gospels. It is also seen in that Jesus later went up to the unnamed Feast alone. (John 5:1)

John passes over Jesus bringing those previously chosen disciples into full- time ministry with Him as fishers of men and that year of proclamation of the Kingdom of heavens’ message accompanied by the signs of validation as to Who He was, and the further discipleship of His 12 chosen. (Matthew 4:18-25, Mark 1:16-20, and see Luke 5:1-11) Matthew 4:23-25 helps fill in John’s left out year of activities, “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom (of heavens), and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had palsy; and he healed them. (So in this further Word of Matthew, it is seen what John passed over in that one year of ministry history. That included their being sent out (first the 12, then the 70) in anointing alone to heal the sick and cast out demons and teach the Jews the kingdom of heavens is drawing nigh. John also passes over the murder of John the Baptist, which is set forth in the other Gospels as the impetus for Christ’s and His disciples passing over from the West side of the Sea of Galilee to the East side. (Matthew 14:10-13 with John 6:1) John the Apostle proceeds with his account and gives two more ‘Signs’ that had been given by God to Israel to validate Jesus, His Deity, the Creator, the One of Whom Moses Wrote, the Son of God/Son of Man, their King, and the necessary manifest return of Glory to the Nation.

And seeing the multitudes (on the West side of the Sea of Galilee, and with the news of John the Baptist’s death, He gave the word to pass over by boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee where), he went up into a mountain; and when he was set, his disciples came unto him…” (Matthew 5:1-2) Now to be understood as the corresponding time of John Chapter 6 and Verse 3… “Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples” where He taught them the principles of the Kingdom of heavens as recorded by Matthew in Matthew Chapters 5-7.)

John 6:4… “And the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.” It is the 2nd approaching Passover....


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