THE DEEP STATE pt. 3 | ft. John Perkins, Glenn Greenwald, Vandana Shiva, James Corbett, L. Farrakhan

3 years ago

This is a documentary "mixtape" that I compiled from various sources. It is Part Three of a three-part series. The full credits/citations list for all three parts are presented at the end of Part Three. Commentators and analysts cited in this project include:

- Peter Dale Scott
- Michael Hudson
- Chris Hedges
- Naomi Klein
- John Perkins
- Michael Hudson
- Catherine Austin Fitts
- Michael Ruppert
- James Corbett (The Corbett Report)
- Antony Sutton
- G. Edward Griffin
- Glenn Greenwald
- Louis Farrakhan
- Vandana Shiva
- Zbignew Brzezinski

The ideas conveyed here are ones I've been researching and thinking about for over a decade. Those core topics are: modern history, finance, capitalism, economics, foreign affairs, cartel networks, and, in general, the modern corporate face of the entity that was once called "the military industrial complex". I had originally planned on writing these ideas out as a book, but I've found that, through this documentary format, I can convey the core themes and ideas of these topics in a way that is much more likely to reach a wide audience.

I made this video mix purely for educational, informational, and motivational purposes - I'm not monitizing it and hope that people will share it freely as they see fit. Again, the credits for the videos cited are listed at the end of Part Three.

This documentary is part of a larger series that I'm making on the grand overarching topic of: "The State of the World". Some documentaries in this series are still forthcoming; some I've already made. You can find those and more (all available openly) by visiting my website

Stay tuned and thanks for watching. - Alex

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