3 years ago

Are Rev.17's "10 kings with the beast" that are right now destroying the woman that rides the beast. And all who trust in her message will go down with her as all that can be shaken is being shaken. Her message that the bloody and torturous death of the innocent is required to appease her god's wrath. This is the falling away Paul spoke of in 2Thes.2.

Only A love for the truth can deliver you from her deception. Only a love for the truth can keep you from the strong delusion that has taken so many as I show in this message. Only the love for the truth will keep you from being made to partake in her sins and plagues. As the SOCS(Self Organizing Collective) as Cliff High describes them, and 10 generals as Patel Patriot describes them, and the 10 kings with the beast as John in the book of Revelation describes them, destroy the harlot and burn her with fire. So that the 7th head empire can come to power for a short space. To give way to the antichrist when he plucks up 3 of the 10 kings by the roots.

Patel Patriot link-

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