Dave Chapelle is trending... again!

3 years ago

Dave Chapelle is trending again: Because he opposed a "high density affordable housing" program.

This all happened in yellow springs. For a bit of backstory, this has been going on for quite some time, Chapelle, and many other residents were concerned about the large amount of housing units this building would have, and how that would affect traffic, lot space, property value, and many other things. Chapelle threatened to remove his business from the area if this plan went through as it was written. That is why he said he wasn't bluffing in the clip.

Science shows when life begins! - https://youtu.be/scT88ThnicA
Whats wrong with the US education system? - https://youtu.be/_SVlirl6lJY

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B-roll and Still images from https://www.pexels.com/

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