Why We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Keep The Supreme Court at Nine Justices

3 years ago

Recently, the idea of packing the Supreme Court by adding activist justices to the bench has resurfaced as President Biden has faced Constitutional challenges to his Build Back Better Agenda. Like President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Biden entertained this idea to get his way.
Still, if Biden gets to pack the High Court, what's to stop the next administration from expanding it to fit its needs as well? This would be a disturbing and expensive trend.
Since Ulysses Grant's presidency, the US Supreme Court has been composed of nine Justices. The numbers in previous years fluctuated between five and ten. Nine seems to be a logical number and one we have lived with for over 145 years, yet not officially established in our Constitution.
We invited two leaders from the Keep Nine Coalition to discuss with our London Center Fellows the need and plan to establish an official Keep Nine Constitutional Amendment, which would set the number of SCOTUS Justices to nine. We also discuss the potential consequences of court packing.

Our panel:
London Center for Policy Research President LTC Tony Shaffer
LCPR Distinguished Fellow Navy Captain Pete O'Brien
LCPR Senior Fellow LTC (British Army) Tim WIlson
Keep Nine Coalition Executive Director Roman Buhler
Keep Nine Coalition Chairman and Former Attorney General of Tennessee Paul Summers

Visit the Keep Nine Coalition at https://www.keepnine.org

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Thought to Action is presented by the London Center for Policy Research https://www.londoncenter.org​

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