Is My Conscience Doing Its Job?

2 years ago

Your conscience is not your soul or your heart. It is the place where your words, motives and actions are examined. If it is working properly, you do not control it. You will receive information from it and act accordingly.
Both the Holy Spirit and the soul can influence the conscience.
Faith and a clear conscience work together to give us confidence toward God.
Some people say, “Well, God knows my heart.” when they do something they shouldn’t do. Yes, God certainly does know and He wants to help us, but sometimes He can’t because we refuse to admit we were wrong.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?
The world says, follow your heart. God says, follow me. The heart is a poor compass and can lead wrong if it is not submitted to the Lord. We can fool ourselves. We have to learn how to submit to the Holy Spirit who will show us the way.
Your conscience should tell you what is right and wrong and impels you toward right action. A conscience that is working properly will line up with your conduct.

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