David Icke - “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” (1994)

2 years ago

Extract of a conference called "The Robot's Rebellion" (1994) where David Icke talks about a secret document exposing methods of mass mind-control called "Silent Weapons for a Quiet War".

"Media: Keep the Adult Public Attention Diverted Away from The Real Social Issues, And Captivated by Matters of No Real Importance."

"Schools: Keep the Young Public Ignorant of Real Mathematics, Real Economics, Real Law, And Real History."

"Entertainment: Keep the Public Entertainment Below a Sixth Grade Level."

"Work: Keep the Public Busy, Busy, Busy, With No Time to Think; Back on The Farm with The Other Animals."

In 1986 a secret document was recovered from a surplus photocopy machine from Boeing Aircraft Company. It was titled, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programming Manual, and appears to be a manual for population control using different methodologies of social sciences. Primarily fear and manipulation is their main tactic for diverting the general public’s attention.

David Icke highlights details of this top-secret manual to explain how we are being manipulated by manufactured causes and events, which are produced in such a way that they almost appear to be random. It is all about diverting the attention of the public so we cannot see what is really going on at the center of the greater agenda. Could this document be part of a nefarious plot by our own government?

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