Television & Audio Surveillance [NWO-Insider-1969]

3 years ago

Insider Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting he attended in 1969 regarding the plans for the New World Order including population control, digital banking, bio-tracking, surveillance, and the hijacking of medicine and society. 4 hours of audio. I’ve clipped some out to reflect on how it relates to what is going on right now.

Transcript/Notes/Links to Short Clips:

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Personal Surveillance:
Audio & Visual: Cables & Televisions that Watch/Listen to you
There was more discussion of personal surveillance. One more thing was said, “You’ll be watching television and somebody will be watching you at the same time at a central monitoring station.” Television sets would have a device to enable this. The T.V. set would not have to be on in order for this to be operative. Also, the television set can be used to monitor what you are watching. People can tell what you’re watching on TV and how you’re reacting to what you’re watching. And you would not know that you were being watched while you were watching your television.

How would we get people to accept these things into their homes? Well, people would buy them when they buy their own television. They won’t know that they’re on there at first. This was described by being what we now know as Cable TV to replace the antenna TV. When you buy a TV set this monitor would just be part of the set and most people would not have enough knowledge to know it was there in the beginning. And then the cable would be the means of carrying the surveillance message to the monitor. By the time people found out that this monitoring was going on, they would also be very dependent upon television for a number of things. Just the way people are dependent upon the telephone today. One thing the television would be used for would be purchases. You wouldn’t have to leave your home to purchase. You just turn on your TV and there would be a way of interacting with your television channel to the store that you wanted to purchase. And you could flip the switch from place to place to choose a refrigerator or clothing. This would be both convenient, but it would also make you dependent on your television so the built-in monitor would be something you could not do without.

There was some discussion of audio monitors, too, just in case the authorities wanted to hear what was going on in rooms other than where the television monitor was, and in regard to this the statement was made, “Any wire that went into your house, for example your telephone wire, could be used this way. I remember this in particular because it was fairly near the end of the presentation and as we were leaving the meeting place I said something to one of my colleagues about going home and pulling all of the wires out of my house.. except I knew I couldn’t get by without the telephone. And the colleague I spoke to just seemed numb.

Before all these changes would take place with electronic monitoring, it was mentioned that there would be service trucks all over the place, working on the wires and putting in new cables. This is how people who were on the inside would know how things were progressing.

Accept NWO or Die
Destroy Love of Country
Home Ownership a Thing of the Past
Financial Control
Skin Implants to Replace Credit Cards
Surveillance by Radio Signals
Television & Audio Surveillance
Just a Little Bit of Terrorism
You Will Own Nothing – Mark of the Beast
Shut out of the System
New diseases will appear & AIDS
Suppressing Cancer Cures 1969 for Population Control
The People who will survive will be those not deluded by our Propaganda
What Can We Do?

In the past, dictators could kill - now they have Genome Project
When people don't go along & no Martyrs created - People will "disappear"
Enslaved by Gratification = More easily controlled + Lab-Created babies no claim on "Human Rights"
Bringing in new system will come in a Weekend
New World Order lacked technology in past to Succeed

Mind Control
Ostensible vs Real reasons: How they get past our Morals
Weapon we have against Controllers Mind-Manipulation

Sexualizing Population
Sexualizing and De-Gendering our Youth
AIDS education - to bring concepts of Sex & Sodomy in Schools
Sexualization using "Labels" to get Currency in the Culture "Homophobe" "Male Chauvinist"

C19 Updates


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