Financial Control [NWO-Insider-1969]

3 years ago

Insider Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting he attended in 1969 regarding the plans for the New World Order including population control, digital banking, bio-tracking, surveillance, and the hijacking of medicine and society. 4 hours of audio. I’ve clipped some out to reflect on how it relates to what is going on right now.

Transcript/Notes/Links to Short Clips:

Download MP3 (117Mb):


Financial Control
“Inflation is infinite. You can put an infinite number of zeros after any number and put the decimals points wherever you want”, as an indication that inflation is a tool of the controllers.

Money would become predominately credit. It was already … money is primarily a credit thing but exchange of money would be not cash or palpable things but electronic credit signal. People would carry money only in very small amounts for things like chewing gum and candy bars. Just pocket sorts of things. Any purchase of any significant amount would be done electronically.

Earnings would be electronically entered into your account. It would be a single banking system. May have the appearance of being more than one but ultimately and basically it would be one single banking system, so that when you got paid your pay would be entered for you into your account balance and then when you purchased anything at the point of purchase it would be deducted from your account balance and you would actually carry nothing with you.

Also computer records can be kept on whatever it was you purchased so that if you were purchasing too much of any particular item and some official wanted to know what you were doing with your money they could go back and review your purchases and determine what you were buying.

People would be encouraged to use credit to borrow and then also be encouraged to renege on their debt so they would destroy their own credit. The idea here is that, again, if you’re too stupid to handle credit wisely, this gives the authorities the opportunity to come down hard on you once you’ve shot your credit.

Accept NWO or Die
Destroy Love of Country
Home Ownership a Thing of the Past
Financial Control
Skin Implants to Replace Credit Cards
Surveillance by Radio Signals
Television & Audio Surveillance
Just a Little Bit of Terrorism
You Will Own Nothing – Mark of the Beast
Shut out of the System
New diseases will appear & AIDS
Suppressing Cancer Cures 1969 for Population Control
The People who will survive will be those not deluded by our Propaganda
What Can We Do?

In the past, dictators could kill - now they have Genome Project
When people don't go along & no Martyrs created - People will "disappear"
Enslaved by Gratification = More easily controlled + Lab-Created babies no claim on "Human Rights"
Bringing in new system will come in a Weekend
New World Order lacked technology in past to Succeed

Mind Control
Ostensible vs Real reasons: How they get past our Morals
Weapon we have against Controllers Mind-Manipulation

Sexualizing Population
Sexualizing and De-Gendering our Youth
AIDS education - to bring concepts of Sex & Sodomy in Schools
Sexualization using "Labels" to get Currency in the Culture "Homophobe" "Male Chauvinist"

C19 Updates


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