Why Christianity and Christmas are The Most Evil Hoax’s In Human History

3 years ago

Happy Solstice! Most people that aren't helplessly, hopelessly, brainwashed, sleepwalking through life in a fear-induced coma, drooling endless, stagnant, puddles of intelligence-free DNA all over their wool-coats, are well aware that Christianity is a scam, and that it's flagship holiday, Corporate Christmas, is a horrendous mockery of the very idea of sacredness. A smaller (but still quite large) sub-group are also aware that the Church (read: Roman Consulate) erected its holy places and holidays (notice that they literally took the "holy" out of "holy-day") over those of the tortured, burned, and even genocided, wreckage of the pagan traditions and cultures that preceded it. Even all of this taken well into consideration, however, most of these people are not aware, or even capable of considering, the true extent of the oppression and horror that this pernicious influence has wrought upon the poor, unsuspecting specter of humanity, both past and present.
But that's ok, because this X-,mas Eve and Christmas Day, in 2 parts, IllumiGnostic is going to break this genocidal scam down to its rotten foundations, in the hopes that we can finally begin the task of eradicating this evil influence and reclaim our true spiritual heritage. There is nothing more blasphemous than engineering a religion the sole purpose of which is to hinder and obstruct its followers from any hope of real spiritual development. And this is exactly what Christianity was designed to do, in part.
The time is long overdue to look this evil Beast of the Apocalypse square in its eye (goats do have square pupils, after all) and toss it into the Lake of Fire from which it crawled. We have had our scientific advancement retarded, our freedom restricted, our sexuality demonized, and our true Starry Heritage occulted long enough. It time to RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't miss pt2 where I will draw upon my extensive study of the Bible and initiation into the Mysteries to reveal occult secrets hidden in the Bible. Perhaps most shocking of all, however, is the fact that the story the Bible actually tells, if read without prejudice, is exactly the opposite of the narrative that Christians believe.

"We created Jesus Christ": https://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/10/prweb11201273.htm

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