Parable of the wise and foolish virgins

2 years ago

The Midnight Cry to go OUT of Jerusalem is heard when the antichrist is revealed to the World at the 5th Seal Abomination of Desolation event in Jerusalem. The wise virgins have the FAITH (oil) enough to depart immediately with only the close on their backs. The foolish within Jerusalem will have to think about it and pack up everything they might need for a long stay even if they decide to leave. They will be wishy washy and complacent. The door will be shut 30 days later when satan is cast to earth. The wise within Jerusalem will go "into the wedding" (place prepared by God) but will not be transfigured "married" until Jesus' 7th Bowl appearing at the climax of the "days of the coming of the Son of Man" when the Kingdom comes. For those inside of the place prepared by God in a sense, their Millennial Peace has begun even though they are still in their mortal bodies but the other followers of Jesus around the world must wait faithfully until the 7th Bowl climax of the days of the Son of Man and continue to endure the Great Tribulation.
Here is the link to my short study called "Parable of the wise and foolish virgins":
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