
3 years ago

9/11 Debut album...
(Indie, Folk, Pagan, Traditional)

Vanadis- beautiful lady
Freyja - one who is many
Riding- air and sea
Freyja -bright shining one
with tears of pure red gold
oh Frejya illuminating ocean...

Freyja - Now I remember
The lady- one who is many
To drink with you -your loving embrace
oh mistress of death and beautiful jewels
oh Freyja as the birch buds quicken
Vanadis you serve your golden draft...

Searching forever searching
searching forever searching
searching forever searching
searching forever searching

Freyja -bright golden lady
Freyja -falcon feathered
Vanadis -magical one
maiden of war and weopon dead heros
Vanadis lover to many
Hail Freyja high golden lady...

(translations Lady of the Labyrinth)

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