The Power of Death Reality

3 years ago

⚜️You cannot value the gift of life without acknowledging its very finite nature. I believe that if you're not conscious of the fact that the moments that you're living right now, you can't get them back. Time is God's currency. If you're thinking about the reality of death now, and you're not at peace with it, then it is a huge target indicator that you need to up your game.

It's one of the most important practices in life to consider your mortality. This boat ride is going to end someday, it’s going to feel like it was just the blink of an eye. You don't want this life just doing unconscious things. Once you accept the reality of death and actually work towards it, you will derive a huge deal of power from the understanding of its finality. You will live harder and well so you can die well with dignity.

Turn that fear into power and live that empowering feeling where you're at peace with death!

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