RadEthelWynn/Neither Has The Other To Blame

3 years ago

6/11 Debut album...
(Indie, Folk, Pagan, Traditional)

Be and friend to your friend, and repay each gift with a gift
repay laughter with laughter, and treachery with treachery
be a friend to your friend, and also to his friend
but never be a friend, to enemy of your friend

The ignorant man he does not know how little he knows
you become foolish by listening to fools
one man is rich another is poor
and neither has the other to blame......

You should only be a little wise, never be too wise
the happiest in life are those, who know just enough,
You should only be a little wise, never be all wise
a wise mans heart is seldom glad if he is truly wise

Havamal (Words of the High One)
V1- V42 -V43
v2- V54-V55
Chorus V 75
Poetic Edda Jackson Crawford translation


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