RadEthelWynn/Midwinters Day (The Wheel)

2 years ago

5/11 Debut album...
(Indie, Folk, Pagan, Traditional)

Midwinter day is here again
when we say goodbye to the shortest day (Dec)
Now the first stirrings of spring
as the flickers of new life begin (Feb)
Ostara now comes the wheel is turning
the lady of spring is here returning (March)
Beltane the first dawn of May
as fires burn we salute the sun. (May)

Midsummer time is here again
when we celebrate the longest day (June)
Now is time of the harvest
fruits have sprung lets gather together (Aug) (Lugh)
Thank Mother Earth for the gifts given
Autumn has crept upon us now (sept)
death time is here its winters bite
the veils are thin the darkness has fallen (Nov) (Samhain)

Midwinters day is here again...


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