AMP SETTINGS II Single Channel Combo Amplifier Beginner Electric Guitar Lesson w/ Bugera Infinium V5

3 years ago

Buy the full course here for only $15
- Over 3 hours teaching all you need to survive in the world of guitar! This lesson continues Amp Settings for a single channel amplifier.
Related Videos: AMP SETTINGS I:
AMP SETTINGS III: coming soon

Sample Video from EASY ELECTRIC GUITAR: Beginner Basics and Beyond - Run Time 3 hours 9 minutes. - The proven content was designed by Expert Guitar Instructor Marko Coconut to be the FASTEST and EASIEST way to learn to play, GUARANTEED! The student will learn to read guitar music with notation, TAB and charts. The method is geared to allow the viewer to start playing instantly, learning individual notes, then progressively builds up from partial two string chords to full, six string chords. In part 3 of this video, the student will graduate to learn their first 5 SONGS in the most popular music styles, including Rock, Blues and Country!

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