Middle Schooler Delivered of Depression & lies of Satan, Jesus Spoke to Him & His Knee was Healed

2 years ago

I’m in awe of all that Jesus did for this precious boy at the Mission, Tx ‘Revival is Now’ event!
-Jesus delivered him from lies of the enemy where now he loves his brother and doesn’t want to fight with him and call him names anymore.
-He delivered him from lies about his mom. And now he knows she loves him, not hates him!
-He healed his knee pain
-He delivered him from depression and sadness and now he is happy!
-Jesus spoke to him telling him his dad will come back and they will be a happy family, and his dad will come to church with them.

There aren’t enough words to say thank you to Jesus for these miracles. All glory to God! Thank you Jesus! Thank you!❤️
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