RadEthelWynn/Alfreds Glory

2 years ago

2/11 Debut album...
(Indie, Folk, Pagan, Traditional)

Saxon men hold Alfred's line
the Northmen holding theirs
men of plunder swords unsheathed
shields are locked its time
and death will come on both sides
of that fate is certain
as these friends of wolves and ravens fight
the din of war has started x3
The eagle flaps his wings now
Danish blood is flowing
the Saxon men push harder
as they fight for Alfreds glory
but the Northmen don't fall easy
their fury is unyielding
death is something they don't fear
for Val-father is waiting x3
All the world is indeed a stage
and we are merely players
those men who nearly time forgot
engaged in battle and glories
yes all the world is indeed a stage
and they know why they're fighting
for farmland and a homeland
and something more than dying x3


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