8 Yr Old Describes Her Experience Being Delivered

3 years ago

“I feel like my life just reset. Like the internet,” is how this precious 8 yr old described what being set free feels like! Tonight God moved powerfully in Mission, Texas and He delivered many, including Miranda. She describes the demonic trembling/manifestation (when she shared how the ding on her heart hurt) and then (her mom shared that she told her mom that she felt something leave her body). She knew she was being delivered and she felt “love”! That’s our Jesus! HALLELUJAH! Deliverance is the children’s bread! Children need deliverance! Many times when children cry in the presence of the anointing it is the demons trembling and the deliverance happening! Thank you Jesus for setting your children free tonight! At the end of the video, Miranda was so excited that the whole world will see her testimony and hear the good news that Jesus can deliver you! She was excited for kids to see her testimony so they can be delivered too! 😭I can’t wait for what God will do tomorrow for night 2 in Mission, Tx! Don’t miss it! Details here: 5fchurch.org/revivalschedule....#revivalisnow #actschurchisback #revival #miracles #prophetic #propheticministry #deliverance #believer #powerofGod #christian #christianity #faith #Jesus #God #apostle #lachurch #losangeleschurch #believe #miraculous #anointing #love #victory #wisdom #revivalinthepark #freedom #testimony #fivefoldministry #church

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