This Doctor applauds the truckers stand to get our freedoms back - NICE!

3 years ago

It is the regular guy - the guy with a big rig - that was needed to take a stand and say "NO MORE." Acknowledgment from a doctor that the truckers are spot on and this demonstration, now world-wide is NOT GOING AWAY until the illegal mandates and forced masking, jabs, social distancing, etc. are gone..

Nuremberg 2.0 is heating up for those so called "leaders" who are perpetrating this on the world.

Lots of deaths will be the result of the jab - innocents people who believed their lying government and backed up by the poisonous media.

Well, there are going to be a lot more deaths of a forced kind after these criminal politicians, doctors, nurses, media producers, in fact ANYONE who tried to force any of this BS to the public are subject to trial by military tribunals, now ongoing by all the countries of the world by The Alliance.

You law enforcement officers be smart - you are PERSONALLY liable and can be tried too....the result is imprisonment or death.

If you are part of the problem - you had best be very careful of what you say and do going forward. It may already be too late, given the number of cell phones with video capabilities - you may already be on record of harming innocent people by your actions.

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