My Superfruit Stalker

2 years ago

After the drop of my Superfruit Republic video, I have been getting non-stop harassment, including calls to my work (all from the same number), emails from new accounts, and 1 individual. After we figured out who he was and looked on his social media we found him to be the same "customer" that was in my previous video at Superfruit. Now this individual is trying desperately to have the video removed claiming it's him in the video to Youtube while posting publicly on comments "he doesn't even live in the same time zone" as this location. All the individuals who were in the video were informed several times it was for Youtube and they willingly spoke, and the "customer" who has been stalking me had left the store before anyone knew I was recording. Far be it from me to not address an issue and this one gets addressed with 2 offers, the nice way, or take off your dress and drag clothing and try being a man for a few. Without identifying the person I give the person who has been harassing me (aka, The Superfruit "Customer" from Superfruit Republic, Denver) a choice. The video link to the Superfruit Video.

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