Ezra 1–6 | How to Rebuild a Nation | Pastor Rick Brown @ Godspeak Church of Thousand Oaks, CA.

3 years ago

Join Pastor Rick Brown as he shares vital insights on “How to Rebuild a Nation” from Ezra 1–6. If you are concerned about the direction of America and what the Bible says about rebuilding a nation, then this is an important message for you.

“Thank God, He gives us difficult things to do!” - Oswald Chambers.

Now, more than ever, we must anchor ourselves in the Word of God—a firm foundation in an uncertain culture. Don't miss this opportunity to listen in, friends. I know you'll be encouraged!

Links to resources

· Watch Pastor Rick Brown live Saturdays at 6pm: pastorrickbrown.com

· Anchored in the Word Bible reading plan: https://pastorrickbrown.com/reading-plan/

· Tammy Brown’s book here: https://tammybrown.org

· Seek First with Rick Brown podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ryzHPLzLRxeUJqNNhGTOP

· Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/pastorRickBrown

· Bible Teaching: https://pastorrickbrown.com/teachings/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcHUllgE__IXslXvGyxvNA

· Church Leadership: https://kingdom-x.org

A big THANK YOU to our Seek First with Rick Brown ministry partners!

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